
Monday, April 27, 2015

Life isn't perfect but I'm okay with that.

Life isn't perfect. It's actually filled with imperfections.
You will struggle. You will make tons of mistakes.
Some that you will regret. Some that you will learn from. Some that you won't even realize.

Yet, life is filled with great opportunities.
When you walk past someone down the street, you have the opportunity to smile.
When someone holds the door for you, you have the opportunity to say thank you.

Every single day, you have opportunities even when life is imperfect.

Life isn't always about THE BIGGER THE BETTER.

Don't let your ''summer trip'' or ''5 star hotel getaway'' be your only moment of peace, serenity and joy. There is opportunity in finding joy in every day life, in the little moments, in the little things.

Even if life gets shitty, even if things don't seem to be going your way, there is an opportunity hidden waiting to be discovered.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

I'm Moving! (what does that mean?)

House is officially sold.

It's the place where I've called home for the past 9 years, most importantly over the past 3-4 years where I've tweaked it to make it more my own. But it never really was my own and I've always really felt it.

While I believe no one's path is similar, I believe we all go through life the same way. We wake up, do our thing, eat, drink, breathe, sleep, go about life the best we can and hope to live another day. 

Some of us are pure wanderlust with no set grounds. Some of us have a home filled with children. Some of us are a little in between. 

I would say I've lived a pretty traditional life so far. Grew up in a small town. Moved away from home. Went to school. Got myself a job that allows me to be independent financially. Nothing out of the ordinary. 

Yet, this house, where I've lived countless experiences (some good, some not so good), is truly the place where I've defined my character. It's where I've realized who I am as a person - as a woman - as an individual...

  • Whenever I felt sad or emotionally confused, I would go in my basement - set up my camera on timer and let my creative juice flow and have myself a photoshoot. It was my drug - what allowed me to get away from life for a little while;

  • It's where I've tried my hand at gardening for the first time. It's the place where I've FAILED at gardening for the first time. Spent countless hours with my hands in the dirt, frustrated but determined to find a solution;
  • It's where I fell in love for the first time. A young - free spirited - kind of love. This guy who knocked on my door one summer night melted my heart right away;
  • It's where I had my first heart break. I remember vividly walking into the house, falling on my knees (dramatic much?), having a nose bleed (it happens randomly once in a while), crying my heart out, feeling the pain so strongly. It hurt. A lot;
  • It's where I've lived with a boyfriend for the first time. So many learning curves. So many great memories; 
  • It's where I learned how to cook;
  • It's where I learned so many devastating news about family members;
  • It's where I've studied for so many nights while in college and in university. Feeling so frustrated with life trying to finish all my homework and studying for exams. It's also where I've received my diplomas.
If the walls of that house could speak. They would have great stories to tell. 

Part of me is so thankful for having all those memories to cherish. 
Part of me feels sad that one chapter is over.
Part of me realizes that nothing last forever. It truly doesn't.
Part of me is excited for whats to come.
Part of me... is feeling overwhelmed.

Dear home, you will always hold a special place in my heart.


Someone who ''used'' to live there.